Soulstar initiated the idea of a clothing line inspired by the dramatic and elegant style of the iconic and legendary Ms. Patti LaBelle. Ms. Patti (as she is endearingly called) was immediately receptive and excited about the idea. Since her incredible stage presence and strong connection with a live audience are two of her many talents, live television was naturally the best retail outlet. Soulstar, having a long-term close working relationship with HSN as a vendor, facilitated the partnership of bring Patti LaBelle to HSN as an exclusive brand.

Soulstar worked closely with Patti to execute her fashion vision. Patti trusted our design team and opened her home to us to go through her many closets, accessing beautiful pieces that were interpreted into a collection that excited her fan base and brought many new viewers and customers to the network.

The apparel was so successful that the brand extended into hats, shoes, jewelry and bags that all coordinated with the clothing. Soulstar managed and oversaw the brand extension to assure all product was aligned with the Patti LaBelle brand.